Monday, June 30, 2014

How Will Baby Boomers Affect Healthcare?

One of the issues affecting the US Health Care crisis is the aging of the baby boomers, with the baby boomers being the generation of children born out in the 40s and 50s (from The Greatest Generation, World War II GIs and ilk). The baby boomers were the largest and most financially successful generation that the world has ever known. Their existence plays a huge role in health care demand and availability going forward and must be taken into account for any viable mass solutions to be found.

 Perhaps the greatest issue feeding our current health care problems is the demand for it. You can come up with fifty other problems revolving around the current system, but I would argue that - at some level - they all derive from over-demand. We simply do not have the resources to meet the overall current need for health services.

 Anybody who has ever taken an economics course knows that the most basic tenant of capitalism is that price is determined by where supply meets demand. When you have a limited and static supply level and an ever-increasing demand, prices will increase - it is a fundamental fact. In our current system, this leads to health care being available to those who can afford it, while others either relying on government-based payments (which still fall back on consumer base via tax dollars) or going without altogether. Another undeniable fact is that people tend to need health care more as they get older.

Obviously, over time, the body begins to break down; people become more susceptible to get diseases such as diabetes or cancers. With the baby boomers ranging anywhere from age 50 to 70 right now, they are hitting the age (if not already there) where health care is moving from a luxury or pure maintenance item towards an absolute need for continued survival.

The volume of the generation along with the fact that (almost) everybody will have some need for health services creates a perfect storm where, more than ever before, the largest volume of people in the world's history is in need of the products and services from a single industry.

 None of this is to say that our health care issues are insurmountable. But we need to recognize the issue at hand. If pure capitalism is allowed to play out, the logical conclusion is that health care will continue to eat up a larger and larger portion of nation's gross domestic product (more than any single industry has before) as demand continues to increase without some miracle of supply.

This will lead to a situation where only the wealthy can afford health care and others will be forced to make do with leftovers, poor quality goods and services, or go without completely. Not to pass judgment on that opinion - America was certainly founded on free market principles. Nonetheless, it seems that in the wealthiest nation in the world, there has to be a better way. And that the children of the Greatest Generation deserve the same care and commitment that their parents received.
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Baby Health Care - Which Vaccinations You Should Consider

Babies are prone in acquiring diseases because they have not yet developed resistance to certain diseases. They are easily infected by harmful microorganisms because of poor immune resistance. You as a parent will always want the best for your precious baby. You always give your best in giving your baby the best care and attention. Immunization can greatly help you in making your baby healthier as they boost your baby's immune resistance to specific diseases. Here are some of the immunizations that you will need for your precious baby:


 You have to know that Hepatitis B is a deadly disease of the liver caused by a virus. You can be infected with this through sexual contact, blood transfusions and needle pricks. As of today there is no known cure for Hepatitis B. But you can prevent the occurrence of this disease by having your infant immunized with Hepatitis B Vaccine after he is born.


 This vaccine will protect your precious baby against three serious illnesses such as diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. Diphtheria is a disease that damages your nervous and cardiovascular system while tetanus can damage your muscles and nervous system. Tetanus is also known as lock jaw and can be acquired though open wounds infected with tetanus toxins. Pertussis on the other hand is also known as whooping cough and can endanger your baby's life. There is one vaccine that can protect your baby against these illnesses and it is known as DTaP.


 Haemophilus Influenzae Type B vaccine can also help your baby prevent the occurrence of flu caused by a certain strain of virus. You have to realize that babies who will not undergo this immunization will be at risk of having meningitis and respiratory infection. You can visit your physician for this vaccination.


 Poliomyelitis is a dangerous disease that may lead to irreversible paralysis of certain parts of your body. You can prevent this to happen on your baby by having immunization. Polio vaccine comes in two forms such as Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) or Oral Polio Vaccine. There are series of immunization schedules that you can follow for this vaccine.


 This vaccine can protect your child against three diseases such as mumps, measles and rubella. Mumps is the inflammation of parotid gland and is often accompanied by fever and pain. Measles is an infection that can produce distinctive red spots and high grade fever while rubella is just like measles but is often more serious and life threatening.


 This vaccine can protect your baby against chicken pox which is a highly infectious disease. Chicken pox will produce blister like rashes on skin that can be very uncomfortable. You can prevent this to happen in your precious baby by having an immunization against it. Always try your best in giving your baby the best care and attention. Make him more resistant with various diseases by going to your health care provider for his immunization schedule. Do not risk your baby's health. Give him your best care and love.
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Baby Care Tips - Your Baby's Health Care

Most of the time when people talk about Baby Care Tips what they mean is health care tips for the baby. Everyone has some particular personal wisdom to impart from their child-rearing days. They want to be sure you benefit from their experience. That is not bad. Just listen carefully, some of what they say is not appropriate for today.

 Many people continue to use vasoline petroleum jelly for a variety of baby care needs. Honestly, it did not kill us. But we know more about petroleum products now than we did when many of my siblings were babies. Today petro products are not often recommended for baby care. Your baby's skin is still developing. You can find many more gentle products available for natural baby care. If you are a new parent and have never held a baby before, be gentle .

Give your baby support from top to bottom. Your baby's neck muscles are not strong enough to support the weight of her own head yet, so do not let her head fall back. You can ask the health care people at the hospital to coach you so you are not yanking the infant around by arms or feet by default. NEVER NEVER shake a baby. Even if you are frustrated because your baby will not stop crying.

Especially in situations like that! Shaking your baby results in giving its brain a bashing on the inside of its skull. That can cause short or long term damage depending on how badly the infant was injured. Besides, it will hurt your baby and major crying will follow, so it is self-defeating too. It is considered a form of child endangerment today. That is obviously not good baby care.

 When you put your baby down to sleep, be sure you have her lying on her back . That will minimize the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.). This simple baby health care [] tip has saved many lives and a lot of grief. Perhaps the best baby care tips I can offer are to provide a safe environment for your infant, remember they wiggle and squirm.

Be sure there is food, water and shelter from the blazing sun for her. Hold your baby as much as possible and provide necessary hygiene when you are cleaning up her wastes. Give your baby love and gentle care and these basics and you have a great foundation for building sensible and strong baby health care practices into your life.
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Baby sleep problems , Child health services , Newborn baby care , Child care , Child health care 2012

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